J. S. Bach – Harpsichord Music Concert

Saturday, May 22nd at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Trevor Stephenson

Harpsichordist Trevor Stephenson will give a one-hour concert-lecture featuring selected keyboard music by J. S. Bach from the French Suites, English Suites, and The Well-Tempered Clavier Book I. Trevor will briefly discuss the background and the structure of the repertoire and will also demonstrate how 18th-century Well-Tempered tuning helps bring the expressive possibilities of the music into keener relief.

The performance will take place at Trevor and Rose Stephenson’s home-studio in Madison. Because of the pandemic, attendance is limited to 40%, and we ask that the audience be masked during the event. If you are part of a small group, a pod, and are happy to sit in adjacent seats, please let us know ahead of time. We also ask that audience members be vaccinated. The weather in Madison during the later part of May is usually comfortable, so we will have many windows open in the house for air circulation. When the music portion of the program is over, everyone will retire to the outdoor back garden for liquid refreshment (BYOB if you like) and discussion. In the event that the weather is extremely cold or stormy, we will notify patrons by email the morning of the event, and the concert will be rescheduled; for patrons who cannot attend the rescheduled event, tickets will be fully refunded.

Please email trevor@trevorstephenson.com if you’d like to attend. Reservations are required.
This concert will be given twice: Saturday May 22 and Sunday May 23, both events start at 6 pm. The performance and lecture will be filmed. All those attending the concert in-person will receive (by May 27) a complimentary private link to the video of the concert. If you wish to see the concert and the lecture, but cannot attend in-person, you may purchase ($40) the private link to the video. The video link will be active from May 27-June 30. Contact Trevor by email for further details.


Saturday, May 22nd
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
